Rage Against the Machine

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Hurricane season.

Hurricane season is approaching. Why do I bring this up? A couple reasons. First of all if we have a major storm hit the US how are we going to provide support to those areas with all of our National Guard soldiers spending their now lengthened tours in Iraq? And if a hurricane were to pose a problem with a slowing to the response by our Guard troops then wouldn't the same be true if there were a terrorist attack?

Recent attacks in Bagdad and neighboring cities proves that an increase in troop presense cannot stop the isolated attacks and suicide bombings even in an area completely secured by our forces. So what does that say about our country where there is practically no military presense, and the opportunity for violent acts is readily available.

The root of the terrorist attacks on US soil is spawned from the presense of our military on Muslim Holy Ground. That was the reason for 9/11, and since then all we've done is increase our presense in these areas. How does that solve the problem?

Also I have questions about military strategy, and the possibility of "victory" in Iraq. Let's go back a couple hundred years, and think about a "guerilla" force on this very soil fighting for independence from the British. If our small force of freedom fighters would have sailed across the Alantic they would have been slaughtered in seconds, but in a land they were familiar with and in small well planned attacks. They used their small advantage to overcome a virtually insurmountable enemy. In a way aren't we putting our troops in a very similar situation?

Lastly isn't part of our "victory" uniting into a democracy? Why then are we building walls to seperate Bagdad into Sunni and Shiite areas? Hey, wait a minute, a capital city divided by a wall...this sounds familiar...where have I heard this before...OH YEAH BERLIN. What exactly are we accomplishing over there? And what is it with this administration and building walls (literally and figuratively). Isn't a wall a physical representation of confinement? And isn't that the opposite of freedom?

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Casey Jay Able

Well. Here he is, and a month early to boot. He's doing great despite only being half baked. Love to everybody, and make sure you come visit this boy.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Pretty interesting

I saw these tests on the news today, and decided to try a few out. They are pretty fun and interesting. Try them out...you may be surprised by the results.


What's with Catholics?

So Planned Parenthood is trying to open a new headquarters on MLK Blvd in Portland, and they are being opposed by a bunch of Catholics claiming "they are trying to commit black genocide". What the hell is with that? I get the whole killing babies is against God and all, but how is that "black genocide"? It's not like they are going door to door performing abortions, and that isn't even the only service they provide. They also distribute condoms for free to those who might not otherwise use them. Thus helping keep them free of deadly STDs. I wish Catholics could get off their damn high horse for a minute, and think about what just might help the community in general...or maybe focus on their child molesting priests!! Planned Parenthood is beneficial to the community. Child molestation is not!! Let's get some priorities here Catholics. Oh and before you even start to think about saying that molestation reports in the Catholics church have declined in the past two years. I have two answers for you. 1> This only proves that less children are going to church and 2> IT SHOULDN"T HAPPEN AT ALL!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Told you they were crappy. The other one is even worse, but this is Damian Welcoming us all to Jamrock!

Dem Marley Boyz

So please read dis post wit da worst rastsa accent you can form in dem purty little heads you got. Me went down to Portland last night to see dem crazy Marley boyz Damien (jr. gong) n him brotha Stephen. Dey make some crazy good music n put on good show for I. Me phone took some bad pictues of dem. I send them to me email later and post dem if dey ok. Main point here is dis. See dem Marley boys if Ja givin you da chance.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

The real War on Terror


Here's a story about the real war on terror that America seems to have forgotten about. NATO troops fighting the Taliban! Protecting the WORLD from terrorism. This is were our efforts should have been focused since Sept. 12th, 2001! The location of the real threat to those of us who enjoy our freedom. Let's have some support for these troops fighting and dying everyday just like those in Iraq.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Somebody please tell me

I read a letter to the editor today in the Oregonian by Micheal Hustman that I thought was great. Here's a little clip of it.

"Iraqi Shiites, who are the majority, are in a bloody dispute with the minority Sunnis, who repressed them under Sunni leader Saddam Hussein. We got rid of Saddam, providing the means for the Shiites to take power through our imposed democracy, but they are now supported by predominantly Shiite Iran, which is supposed to be our enemy. The Sunnis are backed by Bush's friends and allies in Saudi Arabia. Al-qaida supposedly favors the Sunnis and has allied with them."

Wasn't it Saudi Arabian al-Qaida members who were physically linked to the tragedy on 9/11? Maybe this one of those "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer" thing. Do we even know who we're fighting over there? How will we ever be victorious in a war on terror if we side with the enemy?

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

A good read!!

Last night, as my wife attended her class at PCC, I sat down to dinner at a small Korean resturant and thumbed through a Newsweek. This particular issue caught my eye because of the headline "The War in the Words of the Dead". I have to say in all the hub-bub over this controversal war even I have lost sight as to what really matters. There are tens of thousands of troops over there doing their best to secure a country, which in itself is near impossible task, but I won't get into that. The most important thing they are trying to do is come home alive. For the war or against the war doesn't matter anymore. It doesn't matter here in my living room, it doesn't matter on Capital Hill, and it damn sure doesn't matter in Iraq. What does matter is that each and every single one of those troops deserves the respect and the effort of all Americans to do what is their best interest to bring them home safe.

At some point a line has to be drawn in the sand. A line that signifies what the US is willing to do for the Iraqi people. Whether that line is the benchmark set by Congress to remove combat troops as early as next year, or some other plan that involves some other form of an end to the occupation of Iraq. These troops deserve to come home. If you support the Bill Congress has laid forth then take a stand and call or email your Senators and Congressmen and insist they support it. If you don't offer any insight you can to a just end.

These soldiers fight day in and day out with no goal to work towards, and no light at the end of the tunnel. Their will to fight has to be diminishing, and with it their chance of survival. Every minute in that war zone could the last minute they know. We the people have the power. We the people started drawing that line in the with the midterm elections. Don't let your voice go unheard. Let's find a solution. All partisanship aside.


Monday, April 2, 2007

I don't know what is funnier...

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The little puppy in overalls, or the guys with his barn door open.

Senate Bill 2

Hey Oregonians. Senate Bill 2 has made to the house. Show your support by going to www.basicrights.org!