Rage Against the Machine

Sunday, April 15, 2007

What's with Catholics?

So Planned Parenthood is trying to open a new headquarters on MLK Blvd in Portland, and they are being opposed by a bunch of Catholics claiming "they are trying to commit black genocide". What the hell is with that? I get the whole killing babies is against God and all, but how is that "black genocide"? It's not like they are going door to door performing abortions, and that isn't even the only service they provide. They also distribute condoms for free to those who might not otherwise use them. Thus helping keep them free of deadly STDs. I wish Catholics could get off their damn high horse for a minute, and think about what just might help the community in general...or maybe focus on their child molesting priests!! Planned Parenthood is beneficial to the community. Child molestation is not!! Let's get some priorities here Catholics. Oh and before you even start to think about saying that molestation reports in the Catholics church have declined in the past two years. I have two answers for you. 1> This only proves that less children are going to church and 2> IT SHOULDN"T HAPPEN AT ALL!


Rev. Chuck Currie said...

FYI.  Many religious people support Planned Parenthood .

Rev. Chuck Currie

The Teez said...

You're right I shouldn't generalize so much, and I appreciate their support. Thanks for your comment. It's nice to get some feedback.