Rage Against the Machine

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Hunker down there Tex!

I gotta say. I love Nancy Pelosi. She has such a way with words. One her most recent quotes, concerning the recent veto threats from Pres. Bush, had me in stitches.

"On this very important matter, I would extend a hand of friendship to the president, just to say to him, 'Calm down with the threats," she said. "There's a new Congress in town. We accept your constitutional role. We want you to accept ours."

I'll bet there is nothing more infuriating to that dumb hick than being put in his place by a strong, intelligent woman. Well maybe the fact that his office is threatened to be over taken by another strong, intelligent woman or a strong, intelligent Black man.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Learn the Language?!

Illegal immigration has become a hot topic as of late, and although I don't personally see it that way, there are many who do. Funny thing is it seems some 16,000 plus of these illegals aren't fighting for jobs they're fighting in the US military. Fighting for freedoms US citizens wish to deny them. Fighting for freedoms US citizens are reluctant to fight for themselves. An article on military.com discloses more than 16,000 soldiers with "unknown" citizenship, and given their track record for keepping records I'd say it's atleast double that. So to all you who say "learn the language" I rebut by saying "LEARN THE LANGUAGE" that language being "THANK YOU". Thank you for offering your life for my well being, thank you for looking past the fact that I don't want you here, thank you for taking the place of me or my son or daughter, thank you for fighting the fight I don't want to.


Monday, March 26, 2007

Wasn't Jesus a Jew?

I may be mistaken on this, but isn't Jesus Jewish? In fact, if I'm not mistaken he was considered to be King of the Jews, and that Christianity was birthed by Judaism. So in essense couldn't that be interpretted to mean that Judaism is, in fact the mother of Christianity? I also believe, and correct me if I'm wrong here that Moses received from God, directly from God, Ten count'em Ten Commandments. Not nine, or eleven, but ten of them. I also recall, from thousands of times being reminded by my mother, that the Fourth clearly states to "Honor your Mother and Father". So again just curious. Why is it that many Christians are damning themselves to an eternity of hellfire and damnation by condemning gay and lesbian men and women, and dishonoring your "Mother"?


Sunday, March 25, 2007

This was pretty cool

So Chandler and I were kicking the soccer ball around last night, and this kid comes over and asks if he can join in. We say sure, and this kid was pretty good...especially for his age. Come to find out his dad is a pro and used to play for the US national team. He said his dad's name was Coyer Irwin, and that he played for US a while ago. I can't remeber the Euro team he said her played for, so if you know pass on the info. Later.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Bring the troops home!


When Democrats took control of the House this year the big debate was between "stay the course" and bring the troops home. The GOP constantly demanded that if that's what the Dems wanted they needed to supply a p[lan to do so. As if the only thing keeping the troops in Iraq was the lack of an exit strategy. Well Congress passed a bill to bring the troops home by Sept. '08, and all I hear are threats of veto. Why is that? Is it because the civilian contractors (linked to current White House staff) raking in the cash in this train wreck haven't filled their pockets yet? Is it because our Commander in Chief is too proud to admit he made a mistake?

I have personally been against the invasion of Iraq from the begining. There is a justified war, that seems to have been forgot, still being fought in Afganistan. Where are all the war supporters for this war. Why has Saddam "been brought to justice" while the real threat to America enjoys his freedom? Why are my fellow Americans dying in the streets of Bagdad while bin Laden sips margaritas for all we know? Why is the "war on terror" not being directed at the source of the terror?

I ask these questions because somehow not supporting the war in Iraq has somehow become a sign that you lack patriotism and hate this country. If this is true where is the support for wounded troops when they get home? Why is the President cutting Veterans' benefits? That my friends is true anti-patriotism. Our Commander in Chief looks out for no one but himself. His advisors look out for no one but theirselves.

First Entry

OK. So I'll keep it brief. Top reason I started this is to comment on LeAnne's blog without having to sign it "your bro" everytime. I know lame, but in case you haven't already check the title of my blog!! I don't plan really having many people actually read this stuff, so if it seems like I'm wasting my time you're probably right. Anyways. Check back if you want to. Maybe I'll have said something, maybe not, maybe both. Say something and saying nothing at the same time is an art I'm trying to master.