Rage Against the Machine

Monday, March 26, 2007

Wasn't Jesus a Jew?

I may be mistaken on this, but isn't Jesus Jewish? In fact, if I'm not mistaken he was considered to be King of the Jews, and that Christianity was birthed by Judaism. So in essense couldn't that be interpretted to mean that Judaism is, in fact the mother of Christianity? I also believe, and correct me if I'm wrong here that Moses received from God, directly from God, Ten count'em Ten Commandments. Not nine, or eleven, but ten of them. I also recall, from thousands of times being reminded by my mother, that the Fourth clearly states to "Honor your Mother and Father". So again just curious. Why is it that many Christians are damning themselves to an eternity of hellfire and damnation by condemning gay and lesbian men and women, and dishonoring your "Mother"?


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