Hurricane season is approaching. Why do I bring this up? A couple reasons. First of all if we have a major storm hit the US how are we going to provide support to those areas with all of our National Guard soldiers spending their now lengthened tours in Iraq? And if a hurricane were to pose a problem with a slowing to the response by our Guard troops then wouldn't the same be true if there were a terrorist attack?
Recent attacks in Bagdad and neighboring cities proves that an increase in troop presense cannot stop the isolated attacks and suicide bombings even in an area completely secured by our forces. So what does that say about our country where there is practically no military presense, and the opportunity for violent acts is readily available.
The root of the terrorist attacks on US soil is spawned from the presense of our military on Muslim Holy Ground. That was the reason for 9/11, and since then all we've done is increase our presense in these areas. How does that solve the problem?
Also I have questions about military strategy, and the possibility of "victory" in Iraq. Let's go back a couple hundred years, and think about a "guerilla" force on this very soil fighting for independence from the British. If our small force of freedom fighters would have sailed across the Alantic they would have been slaughtered in seconds, but in a land they were familiar with and in small well planned attacks. They used their small advantage to overcome a virtually insurmountable enemy. In a way aren't we putting our troops in a very similar situation?
Lastly isn't part of our "victory" uniting into a democracy? Why then are we building walls to seperate Bagdad into Sunni and Shiite areas? Hey, wait a minute, a capital city divided by a wall...this sounds familiar...where have I heard this before...OH YEAH BERLIN. What exactly are we accomplishing over there? And what is it with this administration and building walls (literally and figuratively). Isn't a wall a physical representation of confinement? And isn't that the opposite of freedom?